Saturday, 30 July 2011
Little Glas Maol
Over Meall Odhar and Glas Maol to bag the 'top' of Little Glas Maol.
Creag Leacach from Meall Odhar
Deer on the slopes of Glas Maol
Glas Maol summit
Heading for Little Glas Maol
Crags at the head of Caenlochan Glen
Cairn on Little Glas Maol
Paraglider passing The Cairnwell
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Pibble Hill
Evening wander up Pibble Hill, Galloway. Fortunate to be staying at cottage on farm as access tricky.
On track
Pibble mine (now disused)
Heading up, looking to Knee of Cairnsmore
Summit of Pibble Hill
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Cairnsmore of Fleet
Most southerly Graham/Donald. Humid, cloudy and drop-off at new parking area some distance from start of ascent.
Up through forest
Heading up forest path, humidity visible
Out of forest
Instructional gate
Knee of Cairnsmore in cloud
Memorial to airmen lost on Cairnsmore
Summit trig, shelter and cairn
Heading down
Monday, 4 July 2011
Been a while. Wee wander up Craigowl and Balkello Hill. Good to see the pot holes have gone from Balkello car park.
Odin on Craigowl
Hazy view south over Dundee
Looking west to Auchterhouse
At Syd's cairn on Balkello Hill
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